John Dalziel
AWS // JS // DevOps

Hi, I'm John Dalziel.I’m a Scottish software engineer, writer and speaker.I've spent much of my life working with interactive digital media — anywhere graphics and technology overlap. This site is kind of a hub for various things I’ve been involved with over the years. You can find the interesting projects on and my professional work on LinkedIn.I have an ongoing personal project on The Computus Engine.

- Writer, The Computus Engine 2000-present
- Contributing writer, CreativeJS 2013 - 2014
- Contributing writer, FlashMagazine 2000-2012
- Contributing writer, FlashWeek 2004
- Contributing writer, Macromedia Magazine 2002
- Contributing writer, Flash MX Magic New Riders 2002
- Technical Editor, Flash MX Developer's Guide Osbourne McGraw Hill 2002
- Technical Editor, Flash MX The Complete Reference Osbourne McGraw Hill 2002
- Contributing writer, 2001
- A Brief History of Calendar Systems and Movable Feasts, EMFCamp 2024
- A Brief History of Time Zones and Daylight Saving Time, EMFCamp 2022
- From zero to website, Get Online Week 2021
- An introduction to AWS, Megabites 2020
- Make Your Own Alexa Skill, Worthing Digital 2020
- Modern Web Application Architectures in AWS, PHP Sussex 2019
- A Brief History of Leap Seconds, EMFCamp 2018
- An introduction to AWS, Worthing Digital 2018
- History of JavaScript, Worthing Digital 2013
- 10 Years of FlashMagazine, Flash on the beach 2010
- The Computus Engine, Open Knowledge Conference 2009
- Introducing Flash MX, Macromedia 2002